
Best GPS Systems For Tow Trucks

tow truck gps and back up cameras.

A GPS system for tow trucks could literally change your life, helping you get your job done more efficiently and in more ways than just preventing you from getting lost.

The biggest benefits of tow truck GPS systems include:

  • The ability to micromanage and track an entire fleet of vehicles.
  • Save time and get more done in one day by preventing drivers from getting lost.
  • Save even more time by easily finding the quickest route from point A to point B.
  • Reduce your risk of collision thanks to back up cameras.

GPS systems vary to include a number of different options and features depending upon your needs.

Full Service GPS Tracking Devices

Knowing driver activity down to every last mile, minute and location can help you create more efficient ways of doing business. Certain GPS tracking systems are capable of doing far more than just telling you how to get around town. Real-time locational GPS systems allow you to track all tow trucks within your fleet at any given time. 

Some of the options a quality GPS tracking system offers:

  • Detailed collection of data citing all of the locations a tow truck has traveled.
  • How long a tow truck stops at every location.
  • The total millage driven by every vehicle every day.
  • Helpful route information allows operations to improve travel efficiency.
  • The ability to identify unauthorized uses of company assets.

The Perks Of Back Up Cameras 

You can’t argue with the facts, tow truck drivers are some of the best drivers out on the road. We have to be in order to maneuver large trucks out on the roads and often through tricky tight spaces. Even the best drivers can use a little assistance to get the job done without error. A huge perk to many GPS systems for tow trucks is that they come with a back up camera. This camera is programed to turn on whenever the truck is put into reverse. The camera shows the rear surroundings so that it is much easier for drivers to safely back up.

You don’t need an entire new GPS system to enjoy the assistance of a back up camera. Detroit Wrecker sells back up cameras for under $300 that can be easily attached and synched with almost any truck and trailer. For instance, our Quad Screen Rear Observation Camera System ($299) includes a full color LCD 7” monitor with pedestal mount, audio function, wire cables, and wireless remote controller. The camera also includes night vision as well as the ability to hook up three different cameras, all of which can be viewed at the same exact time.

Buy One Here: https://www.detroitwrecker.com/product/rear-observation-camera-system-quad-screen/

Rugged Cameras Made To Last

Before purchasing any GPS system it’s important to make sure it can stand up to whatever comes your way. High quality commercial GPS cameras are made to withstand a lot of wear and tear as well as rugged terrain. One of our toughest GPS systems is the Navicam 7200 ($649.95) with back-up camera and a 7” full color touch screen.

Not only is this GPS system made to withstand any and all elements, but also it is fully integrated for superior ease of use, including text-to-speech announcements for upcoming streets, GPS turn-by-turn voice prompts, and the ability to automatically engage the backup camera when the truck is put into reverse. This tow truck GPS system also comes with 4GB SD card as well as necessary 35 foot RCA connection cable.

Buy One Here: https://www.detroitwrecker.com/product/navicam-7200-back-up-camera-system-with-gps/

Hook Your Truck Up With Additional Cameras

Tow trucks are huge, and unlike standard sized vehicles, may require more than just one backup camera to be truly helpful. You can get rid of all blind spots by adding as many additional cameras as needed.

Additional cameras can be installed so that the rear view automatically shows up on your main screen, or any other programed screen, when your truck is in reverse. Add-on cameras cost as little as $149, plus they could save thousands of dollars in damage while making life out on the road a lot easier.   

GPS Rear View Mirror 

You don’t have to install a new camera in the dash area in order to have a GPS system. You can replace your current rear view mirror with a new high tech mirror that includes a GPS system and back up camera. Our rear view mirror GPS system also includes a back up camera, offering you the ability to use more than one camera when navigating in reverse. You can own the GPS rear view mirror with backup camera for only $379.99, plus cost of installation.

Buy One Here: https://www.detroitwrecker.com/product/rear-view-mirror-w-camera-gps/

We also offer rear view mirrors that only have backup camera features, as opposed to full GPS integration. This may be useful if you already have a GPS system but need additional backup cameras. Put your truck in reverse and the rear view mirror instantly gives you a great view of the road behind you.

Most Affordable GPS Kit For Tow Trucks

Looking for the most affordable GPS system for tow trucks in the industry? One of your best options is our Rear Observation System kit. The kit comes complete with 7” color LCD screen, a water resistant back up camera with night vision, 65.75’ wire cable, 10-30 VDC, and wireless remote control. This kit comes with one camera but can be installed with up to 3 separate cameras. You get all of this for only $309.99.

Buy One Here: https://www.detroitwrecker.com/product/rear-observation-system-complete-w-camera/

Your options are truly endless when it comes to finding the perfect GPS system for your tow truck. Detroit Wrecker offers countless GPS and back up camera options at the lowest prices you’ll find anywhere. Contact us today for help finding the perfect system for your fleet of trucks.